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Find the Christian Self-Publishing Company that Matches Your Needs

Are you looking for a publishing company that shares your values? How do you find the right fit for your book?

Searching for a faith-based publishing company can be a time-consuming task, especially with the variety of options out there. However, nothing should get in the way of your call to publish, so we’ve done the hard work for you. Through the recommendation that we provide, you will be matched with the Christian self-publishing company that best suits your needs.

Our Mission

We want to empower you to share your message. If you are looking for a self-publishing company that shares your values, we will help you find one with top-quality editorial, publishing, and marketing expertise who can guide you on your publishing journey.


These publishers of Christian books also provide you with:

  • Book availability in e-book, paperback, and hardcover formats
  • Online distribution on and other retailers so your book is available to readers across the globe
  • Copyright ownership – the rights to your book always belong to YOU
  • Full creative control over your book’s content
  • Step-by-step control over the publishing process

Fill out the form to be introduced to the Christian publishing company that best matches your vision for your book, and also receive a free publishing guide. Let’s get started on sharing your message with your new audience!

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